Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Sleep over

Tonight Maddy has one of her friends sleeping over. I am always so pleased when this happens. When you have a special needs kiddo/teenager it is hard to find a good peer group for them. It is difficult to find some one who is close in ability, with the same likes. Someone who enjoys Maddy for who she is and not someone thy put up with her because they feel they should.

Maddy now has a friend who is a true friend. They text, they giggle, they are so happy to see each other. It makes me all warm and fuzzy to know that for tonight Maddy and her friend can be themselves and have way too much fun.


  1. Well good for her! Hope they have a big time tonight!

  2. That has to make you very happy.

    I am happy for both of you. Have the nicest time these holidays!

