Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Changes in Christmas

This year no gifts will be put out from Santa. All the presents are under the tree. A couple of years ago when we put Santa to rest, she still wanted to have presents put out. She also is very quick to tell people that Santa does not come to her house, Mrs. Claus is the one who takes care of her Christmas.

While I was getting everything ready this year I asked about the leaving things out or just having everything under the tree and she agreed that all under the tree would work for her. When you have a special needs kiddo you usually get to hold on to child-like traditions a bit longer, but it is time to move past them and continue with helping her mature.

The years of staying up late to put out Christmas were fun, but I am looking forward to a more adult Christmas this year.

1 comment:

  1. I think you are a very very good mother!

