Maddy and I spend a lot of time in the car and this is when most of our conversations take place. She will often make a statement and I challenge her to provide proof. The following conversation took place last week.
Maddy: I know every line in the movie Twilight. You know I saw it 25 times right? Especially the scene in the cafeteria.
Me: Ok, what did Edward say to Bella the first time the ran in the woods?
Maddy: I don't know that line.
Me: How about this then, what did Bella say the first time Edward appeared in her bedroom?
Maddy: MOM!! I don't know that.
Me: What did Edward say to Bella in the cafeteria?
Maddy: He said, "Blah blah blah". (She quoted the line) See I told you I know all the lines!!
Me: Well not really you did not know the first two I asked you.
Maddy: Those scenes did not matter, so they don't count.
I suppose it is all in how you look at things.
It's worth buying the movie if you want to see it 25 times-ha ha. We bought it previously viewed--cheap. It's fine.
We did buy it for her and I am sure we will buy New Moon when it comes out. She has seen that 3 times at the movies already. Maybe she will know every line in that movie as well?