Monday, July 13, 2009

Sometimes you wish you had never asked

Yesterday while at my in-laws the following conversation took place. My sister-in-law had just arrived and asked what most people would consider to be an easy question.

Sister-in-law (SiL): I am thirsty can I have a bottle of water?

Mother-in-law (MiL): No, no you don't want a bottle of water, the water from my tap is filtered it is just as good.

SiL: Umm, ok, is it cold?

MiL: Well no, but you can put some ice in it. Don't worry the ice is filtered water as well from the fridge.

SiL: Can't I just use the water from the fridge if it is filtered?

MiL: No, don't do that the use the water from the tap.

SiL: *Gets glass down* Well they should be the same so I will get it from the fridge.

*Everyone has now chimed in and half are chanting fridge and the others are chanting from the tap*

SiL: Fine, fine I will get some from both

My Husband: Don't do that the water from the filter at the sink is hot water.

SiL: What?!!

MiL: *about to have a heart attack* NO, NO, that water is cold he is making that up.

SiL: Finally gets the water in the glass and sits down. *The water is in a decorative cup* EWWW this water is BROWN!

MiL: What?!! No that can not be.

Me: I think the cup is making the water look brown.

MiL: My water is white not brown, here let me get a different glass I will show you.

Me: Ummm..wouldn't white water really be no fat milk?

MiL: *Pours water into different glass* See I told you my water is not brown, it is white.

Me: I kinda think it is clear not white

MiL: Whatever

My SiL sits down to drink her white water and my MiL says.....

We have bottled water in the outside cooler.

1 comment:

  1. Whatever happened to the good ol' days when tap water was all you had? Drink it (filtered or not) or go thirsty. I've drank more than my fair share of water from a garden hose. I can still remember the rubber taste because the hose had been laying in the summer sun for hours and hours. But it was cold, wet and hit the spot just fine!
    I'm typing this while looking at a $2 bottle of "glacier water" to the immediate left of my keyboard. I know. I'm a sucker too.
