Sunday, March 15, 2009 how you have changed

While I was growing up church was a big part of my life. I grew up in a very small town and well, everyone went to church. Church was quiet, serious, not to be taken lightly. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed church growing up. You went every Wednesday and Sunday and you knew what to expect and you learned the routine quickly.

After I moved away from home and began my life wanderings church has come and gone. Each time I would find myself in church it was like going back home. It was comforting, the rituals, the words. At times I have attended church on a somewhat regular basis and then would let life interfere and attendance would drop off.

Now I am at a point in my life where I am in a situation where I need to encourage my child to have social interactions with children around her age. She is an only child and a special needs kiddo so social interaction with peers is very important. Harnessing the wonderful power of the internet I came up a youth group that would be perfect for her.

About a month ago, we ventured to this new church and youth group. She LOVED it, she looks forward to going each week. Currently she seems to be connecting with the adults more than the youth, but I believe that will slowly change. I now find myself having to re-learn what church is and can be.

This church is everything that church "was not" supposed to be. There was noise, rock and roll bands (christian of course), concession stands. You wear casual clothes, you drink your coffee during the service. The minister even wears jeans. I am slowly adjusting to my new surroundings, but I am still having a hard time because it just does not feel like church.

The message is good each week, and I can see that this is good for both of us, but I need to learn how to trade in my old rituals for new ones. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jiffers,
    This morning at our church we discussed how Jesus "disrupted" the rituals of the temple by releasing the cattle, sheep, doves, and turning over the moneychangers tables. It was his disrupting the standered way of doing things so that we Gentiles could become members of Gods Chosen. Different isn't bad if it leads toward God.
    Love Dad
