Monday, November 16, 2009

The math skills must run in the family

I am not good at math. I am really, really, really bad at math. I know this and I don't even bother pretending anymore that I can maybe do a math problem. This weekend I got a glimpse of Maddy's math skills.

There is a boy in Maddy's church class (well a couple actually) that have become quite fond of her. So depending on the week and who is in attendance at church we have conversations regarding the various boys and their attempts at courting her.

This past week one of the boys declared his love for Maddy. Maddy decided that he would not be good for her because he is 20 and she is just 16. Enjoy the conversation below and the math skills that inherited from her mother.

Maddy: I think he might be too old for me

Me: I agree, he is a very nice boy but 20 is too old for you now

Maddy: If he is 20 now, by the time I am 20 he will probably be like 35 or something!

So if you need any help with math you know where not to come!

1 comment:

  1. That made me laugh!

    Try a math review, ha ha.

