Monday, May 18, 2009

When in doubt just add "un"

This morning Maddy and I were doing an antonym exercise and she was still trying to wake up a bit. As we went along and her brain started being sneaky it became quite funny.

The first few were easy enough and then the words became more difficult. The first one that tripped her up was the word "speechless". In her defense it is not very often that she has ever seen anyone in her family speechless, but she assured me that she understood what the word meant. She thought for a while and tried "speechful" on me, when I told her that was not correct she stated that the correct word was "unspeechless". She was none to happy when I told her she was still incorrect. We did manage to finally come up with the word "talkative" as the answer.

The next word was "attractive" and when I said that "unattractive" was correct she pointed out that you could use "un" to make words the opposite.

The last word was "penalty" and I could see her brain going full speed trying not to say what she really wanted. Her first try was "tardy" and she continued with words that were like penalty not the opposite. She finally could not help herself and insisted that the answer was "unpenalty". After my sigh, and her eye rolling we did manage to work to the answer of "reward".

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