Thursday, May 19, 2011

I have created a monster

It was an honest accident but I created a time monster.  If I could go back in time (no pun intended) I would have never pointed out that Justin Bieber digital watch.  However in my innocence I did point it out and Maddy bought it with her money.

We had to immediately get it up to date and on her arm.  Then....she decided to check the watch against her phone and Ipad.  Horror of horrors it did not match.  I thought she was going to have a complete meltdown.  In what seems like days and days, but in reality about 30 minutes I finally corrected the rip in the time warp. 

Last night her watch magically set itself to 12:01.  We decided I would fix it in the morning.  This morning I specifically asked her what time I needed to set it to.  Since we were by the microwave she chose that time.  I carefully set everything up and then I waited for the minute to change so I could set hers exactly.

She had a dermatologist appointment today and before we left she checked her watch, her phone and her Ipad.  They did NOT match!!  I quickly informed her that I did exactly as she directed me this morning.  In the car on the way to the Dr. office I see her checking her watch, looking at her Ipad and then re-checking her watch.  She reset the time on her Ipad and her phone to match her watch.  Then and only then was all right in the world again.

Boy and I am thankful I did not show her the second hand function! 


  1. Too funny! I don't get the Justin Beiber thing, but then again, I am not a 15 year old girl!

    Hope all is well....


  2. I see this happen with my nephew all the time, with him it isn't time, it is the order things are laid out in. Nothing is right with the world until that is fixed.
