I find myself saying a few words or phrases fairly often these days. Listed below are a few of them and what they actually mean.
*Like pushing a rubber band*
This is used in the context of Maddy have an incredibly slow day when we typically need to be somewhere. It means that I am wound up tight and about to snap, but if I do she will crumple like a pushed rubber band and take even longer to get ready.
*Chop Chop*
This means I am past hurry up and my patience is gone and whatever should or needed to be done should have been done 5 minutes ago.
Currently I am asked at least once a day what my favorite color is. I am considering saying a new color every time, for blue is losing its appeal.
*Yep, Sure*
This is the standard response now to if I like a particular song, movie or movie scene. She must ask if I like it 100 times to make sure I am strong in my convictions.
*I can't right now because I am driving*
Maddy is now trained to finish the last part of this phrase as she hears it all the time. For some reason she decides that when I am driving I need to look at, inspect, read whatever it is she is looking at.
*Do you know how I know this?*
This phrase is used at the 10, 20, 25, 30, etc. markers of Maddy telling me something again and again and again and again.
I worked for an old German lady when I was a teenager, and she always yelled "chop chop" at me, so I'd hurry and do things for her.
ReplyDeletei think all parents have "go to" phrases.
both my mother and a friend of mine are continually saying "I mean, come on, pleazzzzee" - it drives me mad. It means they think they are better than the advice or experience they are relating, and it makes me want to respond "when you says that pleazzeee thing, I want to stop listening!"