Thursday, November 5, 2009

Are you sure you want to know?

Now that Maddy is 16 she has decided that she needs and wants to know more about the opposite sex. We were in the car the other day and she decided it was a good time to have a conversation about the "S" word. She told me that she already knows about S E X, but wanted to know more.

I let her lead the conversation with things that she knew, she thought she knew and answered questions that she had. I answered her questions honestly and with as much detail as I thought she needed to know or could handle.

As the conversation continued her body language slowly changed. It went from her looking at me and being fully engaged to her crossing her arms and leaning away from me. When her head hit the window because she just could not get any further from me I decided that we had discussed the topic long enough. I let her know that at any time she could ask me any questions and at any time she could say that she had heard enough.

She quickly informed me that she would have no problem telling me enough was enough.

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