Friday, September 11, 2009


I have had a hard couple of weeks and it is not my fault and it is all my fault! Typically I am a calm, rational person who could be described as having a level head. I am easy going and quick to laugh.

The past two weeks I have been a freaking mess inside. It seems that the "forty hormones" are reeking havoc with me. What makes it particularly trying is that I have a 15 year old daughter who is battling with her hormones. In doing some research I found this and it made me laugh out loud.

Midlife is not for sissies. So many changes can happen during the years after 40 that you may have trouble keeping up. Change is a source of anxiety during even the best of times and when it is a positive change. But add to that any hormone fluctuations, health problems and/or major life events and you have a recipe for feeling overwhelmed. Among the common changes and challenges that a woman faces during these years are:

* Children hitting their teens. This can cause “the perfect storm” of hormones in the household, as everyone struggles to manage the mood and behavior changes of their bodies.

For those who know me, know that we pretty much live in a constant state of change around here. We have and keep spending tons of money and time on our "money-pit" house. This means and endless stream of workers, dust, and schedule interruptions. I love havimg a nice routine and schedule, so does Maddy. Just as Maddy and I are recovering and getting our routine back, we had to take my Mom-in-law for her eye surgery at the last minute.(She is fine) It seems that the harder I try to get a routine and schedule set in place, the more things that keep it from happening.

Then I feel out of sync and the hormones see a chink in the armor and proceed to try to make me insane. As of this writing I am winning the war, but the idea of saying "fark off" to the world and sitting on the couch, watching Lifetime and eating a gallon of ice cream is very tempting!

I have found that being productive around the house helps. I feel like I have done a good thing and the husband is always quick with a nice word about how hard I work around the house. At this point I will probably work the hormones to death and they will just leave me alone.

I guess we will see if I have the cleanest house on the block or if I become an ice cream eating, lifetime watching pool of tears on the couch!

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