June 1
I am so excited, my Aunt arrives in town today and we will head to my family reunion for the weekend. It will be great fun!
June 6
What a wonderful weekend, a good time was had by all at the reunion. Was wonderful to visit with my aunt. I feel this is gonna be a great summer!
June 13
Well, today Mark and I made the decision to go ahead and retain guardianship of Maddy. It is the right thing to do and this way we know she will always be protected.
June 14
Big day today, we are finishing up the shopping for Maddy to go to camp next week. I am not sure who is more excited her or us. This is the first time she will be away at camp. What a huge step. Mark and I are really looking forward to the break as well.
June 21
AM: What an exciting morning!! We successfully dropped Maddy off at camp and by the time we left she was already having a great time. Now time to relax and spend time with Mark and also a little break for me as well.
PM: Wow! Just Wow...got a call from my Mom today. She fell in the shower and hurt herself. She says she is ok and nothing is broken she is just sore. Her doctor is out of town so she hopes to feel better in a few days. She has a friend who will stay the night with her tonight.
June 22
Busy day here, we are getting ready for a series of meeting with a potential investor/partner for the business. Three full days of meetings at my house next week. Great opportunities await. Looking forward to Thursday! Mark is going to work and I get the house all to myself. Relaxation here I come!!
June 23
Just got a call from my Mom she is not doing any better and she does not have anyone to stay with her tonight. She does not want to come to my house and see a dr. here. She says she will be better, she just needs a little help during the night. So long to my "me time". Headed to Livingston to stay the night with her.
June 25
AM: Uneventful time at Mom's house. She is going to see a dr. today and figure out why she is still in so much pain. We are headed out to pick up Maddy from camp. We can't wait to see her.
Mid-day: Maddy is still beaming from camp!! What a wonderful experience for her. She loved every minute of it. She fully embraced all the activities and made a ton of friends. Looking forward to an evening at home with my little family.
PM: Got a call from Livingston, the Dr. said Mom has "broken her back" and an appointment was made for Monday for her to see someone. However, due to the meds she is taking she has started to hallucinate. I am now on the way to pick her up and bring her home.
Late Evening: I almost killed the woman on the way home. She decided to share every hallucination with me for the entire hour and a half on the way home. We are finally at my house and I hope to get her settled in bed soon.
Midnight: The woman has gone crazy!! She is hallucinating again so off to the hospital we go. Long day just got longer.
June 26
It is 4 am and I just got home from the hospital. Mother has a burst fracture in her L1 vertebra and will be admitted to the hospital.
Went back to the hospital after a few hours of sleep to hope that the orthopedic doctor might drop by. Mark is having to clean the house to prepare for our meetings this week and take Maddy to swim practice.
June 29
Today is our first day of meetings with our business partners. Since my Mother is still in the hospital and still seeing crazy things we have decided that I will sit in on the morning meetings, leave about lunch time and then go see Mom and then pick up lunch for the crew.
June 30
Just go the news that they will release Mom to the rehab facility to get her started on physical therapy so that hopefully she can be able to be back at her house in about 3 weeks. She has decided she wants to be back in her home town to do the rehab work. Running to the house to drop off lunch and then meet mom at the rehab facitilty.
What a month! Not so sure how this summer is gonna turn out after all. The adventures of July to come soon.